Finding Family Intensive

“When we begin to know ourselves in an open and self-supportive way, we take the first step to encourage our children to know themselves.”

—Dan Seigel

Family intensive therapy programs at Finding You are a customized experience to help improve communication, uncover insights and strengthen family relationships. Whether it’s due to a loss, crisis, or seeking closeness, we can help.

Finding Family is a combination of group therapy, workshops, and discussions, which provides participants with a profound look into relationship dynamics and their roots. Finding Family explores underlying issues and patterns and helps to ease conflict and build skills to navigate life beyond the program.

This is a custom intensive that is set up individually. To schedule a consultation with a Finding You enrollment specialist call (866) 236-0026 or email

  • Finding Family is designed to help participants understand the root causes of their issues, explore the underlying issues contributing to anxiety, depression, relationship issues, parenting struggles, codependency, and more. Helping with:

    • Establishing healthy communication patterns

    • Navigating conflict

    • Codependency

    • Practicing intimacy in relationships

    • Parenting or co-parenting issues

    • Life transitions

    • Understanding self-medicating behaviors

    • Building family mental health

    • Fostering resilience in family relationships

    • Developing healthy coping skills

    • Grief and loss

    • Forgiveness for self and others

    • Anger and resentment

    • Repairing trust

    • Clarifying boundaries

  • The cost of Finding Family varies by Family, location, and other factors. Starting at $12,500 for a family of three.


  • Our programs are held in Northern Utah. Those flying are encouraged to arrive at the Salt Lake City International Airport. From there, we will provide you with a free shuttle to and from the program. We also can do custom Intensives in your area, although we strongly request not holding an intensive in your own home.

  • Finding Family Programs are a 2.5 day experience, and can be scheduled any weekday combination.

  • The maximum group size for a Finding Family varies, based on ages, therapeutic experience, and family size.

  • Finding You Therapy Intensives uses an Attachment-based approach and encourages each participant to dig into their own inner-wisdom. Additionally, while not all of our participants have children in treatment, Finding You Therapy Programs understands the struggles and successes that come along with healing a family system.

  • Upon leaving the Finding You Therapy Intensive program, our coaches and therapists will provide you with clear, detailed suggestions to assist in the continuation of your therapeutic journey. You will have access to all our archived webinars and our weekly Finding You podcast by Dr. Brad Reedy. Most importantly, our Finding You Therapy Program facilitators can match you with a therapist or coach trained in our philosophy who can build on what was learned in the Intensive for those who choose.

  • We invite you to take a break from technology during your Intensive process so that you may focus more completely on yourself. You will have brief access to your devices when you arrive and again on the last day of the program. We will provide you with an emergency contact number before your arrival and we encourage you to give that number to any person who may need to contact you in the case of emergency.

  • Our Online Finding Family programs vary based upon need but most commonly last for two days.

  • Our online programs are a more economical and convenient option for many of our participants. This powerful program does not include lodging, meals, and after hours activities in the same way that an in-person program does. However, the therapy is extremely effective.

—Sonjha, a Finding Family participant

“ take away from this program is experiencing true genuine feelings of empathy and compassion for another human being. It's almost like you stop seeing the person and instead you start seeing and feeling the depth of their pain. This is huge for me because it's changing the way I see my own son who is struggling. For the first time I can see and feel his pain. I feel like I can finally interact with him on his level... ”

“The Family Intensive Weekend was a life-changing event. For four days we (husband, wife, and son) worked on our personal issues, delved into family of origin connections with behavior, learned communication skills, and knocked down the walls we used to hide our deepest selves. The end result was better family communication and a depth of self-knowledge that brought us closer together. We left feeling exhausted and exhilarated. The three of us salute Brad [Reedy] for facilitating this remarkable weekend.”