Finding You for Individuals
“It Is a Joy to Be Hidden and a Disaster Not to Be Found”
Finding You Therapy Intensives are a condensed, yet powerful specialized program to help participants build a base of self-understanding and embark on a purposeful journey of growth and self acceptance. Intensives are for individuals, couples, and families willing to commit to a multi-day therapeutic experience
The Finding You Intensive is a therapeutic program offered in-person or online.
Upcoming Programs:
March 19th-23rd
April 23rd-27th
May 16th-18th (Online)
June 4th-8th
July 23rd-27th
Finding You, our flagship program, is a 4.5 day intensive for individuals. This small group, immersive experience is available both in-person and online (2.5 days). Designed to help participants understand the root causes of their issues, participants explore the underlying issues contributing to anxiety, depression, relationship issues, parenting struggles, codependency, and more. Whether you have some experience with therapy and are feeling stuck or are new to therapy and looking for a springboard into your work, this powerful program is like having 6-months of therapy in a few short days. Helping with:
Establishing healthy communication patterns
Navigating conflict
Practicing intimacy in relationships
Parenting or co-parenting issues
Life transitions
Understanding self-medicating behaviors
Building family mental health
Fostering resilience in family relationships
Developing healthy coping skills
Grief and loss
Forgiveness for self and others
Anger and resentment
Repairing trust
Clarifying boundaries
Finding You Intensives for Individuals is $4,950 per person. These accommodations include lodging, all gourmet meals and beverages, shuttle to and from airport and 32 specialized clinical hours with our Finding You experts. Participants will be cared for by a 24 hour hospitality team catering to all your needs. The online option is $1,500 for a 2.5 day experience, including 20 specialized clinical hours.
Our Finding You program runs from Wednesday evening to Sunday afternoon (four-and-a-half days total).
Wednesday 4-6pm, Thursday to Saturday 9am-6pm, and Sunday 9am-12pm.
Online Finding You programs run from Friday to Sunday. Friday from 4-6pm, and Saturday and Sunday 9-6pm.
The maximum group size at any Intensive is seven participants.
We believe that we are wounded in relationship and we, therefore, heal in relationship. The language of self-love is learned by someone loving us, not from the creation of it within ourselves. Only once we have been loved, validated, empowered, and really seen by another can we do that for ourselves.
Upon leaving the Finding You Therapy Intensive program, our coaches and therapists will provide you with clear, detailed suggestions to assist in the continuation of your therapeutic journey. You will have access to all our archived webinars and our weekly Finding You podcast by Dr. Brad Reedy. Most importantly, our Finding You Therapy Program facilitators can match you with a therapist or coach trained in our philosophy who can build on what was learned in the Intensive for those who choose.
We invite you to take a break from technology during your Intensive process so that you may focus more completely on yourself. You will have brief access to your devices when you arrive and again on the last day of the program. We will provide you with an emergency contact number before your arrival and we encourage you to give that number to any person who may need to contact you in the case of emergency.
The majority of our programs are held in Northern Utah. Those flying are encouraged to arrive at the Salt Lake City International Airport. From there, we will provide you with a free shuttle to and from the program. Location specific Intensives are also held through out the year. Visiting major areas such as Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, and North Carolina. We also can facilitate custom Intensives in your area.
We understand the importance of looking at the whole self while seeking healing. For this reason, we provide opportunities for yoga, walks/runs, time in nature, and meditation. We are intentional about slowing down the pace of every day life, allowing for rest, reflection, and quietness.
We ask that individuals come to a Finding You program without family or friends. This allows our participants to focus on themselves.
Those seeking to apply with family or close friends may want to consider one of our private programs, such as Finding Family or Finding Connection. -
We are proud to provide healthy, nutritious, and delicious meals, all of which are served on-site. Snacks and beverages, including coffee and tea, are available during your stay.
Priority for special diet requests are those with food allergies, religious restrictions, and other health-related needs. Vegetarian, vegan, and other diet types can be accommodated but should be requested ahead of time.
While we do our best to provide private rooms during a Finding You, it is not always possible. Therefore you may share a room with one other participant. During rooming situations, genders will room separately. Exceptions to this include couples during Finding Connection and Finding Family programs.
Our Online Finding You program is a two-and-a-half day program. Friday from 4-6pm MT, Saturday and Sunday 9-6pm MT.
Our online programs are a more economical and convenient option for many of our participants. This powerful program does not include lodging, meals, and after hours activities in the same way that an in-person program does. However, the therapy is extremely effective.
Cancellation by Participant: Program cost minus the non-refundable deposit is refunded up to four weeks prior to the start date. If a participant cancels between two and four weeks prior to the Intensive, half of the tuition cost is refunded. The full cost of the program is non-refundable if cancellation happens within two weeks of the beginning of the program. There is no refund due to failure to attend without notice.
-Online Intensive Participant
“I’m so glad I participated in the Online Intensive. I'm surprised at how much I noticed about myself during and after the weekend. While reflecting on the weekend, more realizations continue to come to me about myself and about the relationships in my life.”
—Denise Russell Carter
“I did the Finding You Intensive in October. Not a day goes by that I do not think about the experience or reference some ‘truth’ that I discovered about myself. If anyone is thinking, ‘That would be nice, but maybe not for me’’s for you. It’s like getting six-plus months (or more) of therapy in a few days. Intense, yes, hard at times, yes, but fun too! You won’t regret it!”